On 17th June/22 Miniso Bangladesh organized the “Miniso Theke Ki Niso” concert to mark the grand launch of Miniso Mirpur-12. The concert was a once in a lifetime experience as Tahsan Khan and Pritom Hasan shared the stage together for the very first time. Both the stars sang their best hits and ended the concert with the first ever live performance of Miniso Theke Ki Niso. . The entire event was hosted by the crowd favourite Rafsan The Chotobhai. More than 3500 audience gathered together to watch this live event. The crowd got happy, excited and emotional at the same time as they experienced their favorite stars and the rainy weather added more to this magical experience. During the final performance of the night, when Tahsan and Pritom joined the stage to sing the Miniso Theke Ki Niso song, many popular influencers such as Sunehra, Ridy, Shanaya and others joined in with the crowd to sing along, the Miniso Anthem.